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Facts about Cryptocurrency Trading – Part 1
Facts about cryptocurrency trading would be very useful for everyone. Doesn’t matter that you are experience or beginner.
In this first part I will write about cryptocurrency owners – generations and ethnicity, then adoptions leaders and number of cryptocurrency projects on the world.
Some facts can be always renewed and some of them are simply out there just to tell you if it’s worthy. Maybe, give you some another ideas. Who knows?
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Let’s go to the job.
Facts about Cryptocurrency Trading
First of all it’s good to know how many cryptocurrency are possible to trade. In the moment of writing this article it was 10 567 cryptocurrencies according to Statista. Is it that much or not really?
To better understand it let’s come back one more time to statistics about cryptocurrency amount. In the same time I would explore some another facts.

This graphic shows that there is never before some many cryptocurrencies on the market, but shows another things as well. I do explain what I mean.
At the last bull market (Nov 2019 – Nov 2021) there were huge progress for advancement of cryptocurrency projects. Number of projects has increased 268%.
In this bull market (Feb 2023 – till today) number of projects has increased 121%.
Obviously, during bear market a lot of projects disappear from the market. They are scams, weak or badly managed projects.
Interestingly, during last bear market many projects has been started. Which should not be surprising at all, because the time of a bear market, or rather its end, is the best time to start a business in the industry.
It’s time to move on to some facts about cryptocurrency traders and owners.
Who are Traders or Crypto Owners?
Little you know about number cryptocurrency projects, so it’s time take a look who are traders or crypto owners. It’s fair to say, that if you know who trading then you know what preferences and trends can happen! At least, in some common sense.
Obviously, you can never be 100% right. First of all, take a look for generation of traders.

Gen Z are the youngest generation, but our future! I believe they will be with Millennials always at the top of cryptocurrency trading generations.
Right now they are 70% all traders. In the future can happen that they will be 80% of all traders or more. Ok, what about ethnicity of traders?

Without any doubt most of traders are white ethnicity – 62% and Hispanic – 24%! What a news.
This is really interesting fact about cryptocurrency trading! White race is race of traders. Woah.
Interesting Facts about Cryptocurrency Trading
Is it cryptocurrency just trend and after 10 years they will be gone? I hope you know it is just rhetoric question. Better let’s find out where can you pay with cryptocurrencies.
I mean by that, what countries are cryptocurrency friendly.
Germany as a Blockchain Country
Germany is one of the first countries in Europe whose adopt blockchain technology. This country commonly accept cryptocurrency as payment method. Business transactions in Bitcoin are accepted.
USA and Facts about Cryptocurrency Trading
Who ever hear about Coinbase or Kraken? If you don’t then for sure you are beginner. This crypto exchanges are located in USA, but there are a lot of blockchain start-ups. I will just mentions CoinTelegraph and CoinDesk.
Malta – Blockchain Island
Malta is called blockchain island because there are regulations what makes easier pay and trade cryptocurrencies. Common facts is that, in Malta is high rate of payment acceptance in crypto. What mean everyday shopping is possible there.
Switzerland with Mountains and Crypto Valley
Switzerland is innovative and banking system country. In context of innovation Switzerland adopt cryptocurrencies and blockchain quickly. They offers a favourable legal framework. Low or not tax for individuals is possible only in Switzerland!
Czech Republic – World Crypto Country
Czech Republic is neighbour to Poland and Germany. This small country is innovative and you can use there freely cryptocurrencies. This country has crypto legislation. For this reason businesses can adopt digital currencies as payment methods much easier.
Right now you know countries cryptocurrencies friendly. Of course, there are more of them, but I won’t all mention.
Adoption Facts about Cryptocurrency Trading
I would like to explore right now something else. I am about to write about global cryptocurrency adoption on the world. There is cryptocurrency global adoption index created by company Chainalysis.

This index present which countries on the world are leaders in crypt adoption.
According to this research India is on the 1st place in global adoption on the world. 2nd place are for Nigeria, and 3rd for Indonesia.
- India
- Nigeria
- Indonesia
- Vietnam
- Ukraine
- Russia
It’s really interesting to watch how cryptocurrency are adopted all around the world. Not surprisingly at first places are developing countries. Among all first 7 places only USA belong to developed countries. This fact can be explain very simply.
Blockchain is innovative technology and developing countries looking for solutions what brings them ahead in the future.
As far as, in case of USA it’s extremely developed country with innovation and huge possibilities. It’s also a place with many start-ups in blockchain industry.
In this first part I have explored data about number of cryptocurrency on the world. Then, I came to facts about generations and ethnicity of cryptocurrency owners.
Finally, I have written about leaders of crypto adoption and countries where cryptocurrency are personal and business friendly.
I am rather not surprise about results of this short report. It was for me obvious that innovative technology like cryptocurrency is used by younger generations in developing countries.
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