Buy the Dip


For sure if you spend time on cryptocurrency market you have heard about buy the dip term. This is common term used by traders or investors whose looking for buying asset in the best possible moment. Is it the best moment to buy Bitcoin then?

In today shorter article little bit about buy the dip on cryptocurrency market, is it worthy to buy dip, some strategies on crypto market and so on.

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Let’s get rock it.

Buy the Dip

Today market in one of the dips on the market. Price of the Bitcoin drown and $86 100k is the lowest price on the market for the months. Question occur:

Buy the dip or wait for another moment?

Let me tell you. You investment strategy always brings you this question. The last time on November 2024 we could buy the Bitcoin in this price.

Buy Bitcoin Dip


Switch to 1 year period at the bottom of the website and there you see this graph above.

This price bargain were last time on November, just for a few days.

Buy the Dip Strategy

One more time I will come back to beginning of this blog. Everything started from this moment. It was in November 2022. Woah, it was 2 and half year before.

I was 90% sure that we are at the bottom. First I have noticed May 2022 it could be the bottom, but then lower low came in Bitcoin price on level $15 700.

Bottom of Bitcoin Price


You can be sure we not come back to price $15 700 for Bitcoin. Probably higher hights from last bull run will be next bottom of the market. It was price about $69 000 per unit.

From Dip to Dip

You can think about this situation as like bargain on the market. You buy the dip, because you know after this discount price of the asset will grow. In this case it is Bitcoin! I think people on the market are convince about end of the war, lower inflation rates and better economic situation on the world.

Bitcoin is the asset strongly related to global money accessibility. We call it m2 money supply.

Let’s take a look for graph below.

M2 money


Amount of global money available still in growth. It’s good sign. Is it good moment for investment? This questions you need to answer by yourself.


Buy the dip of Bitcoin is in my opinion one of the best strategies for middle range investor. From last dip on November 2022 price growth a lot – more than 5 times!

Be sure time when Bitcoin price would be on $15 700 per unit will never happen. That’s the case on macro dip is always higher than another one. For those reasons buy the dip is safety strategy for investor or trader.

Buy the dip, because Bitcoin will grow and grow. Maybe you think about waiting, but price of the Bitcoin don’t care what do you think.

One more time this strategy works well, because next bottom of the Bitcoin can be higher than another one.

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