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About logo Ranger Galaxy – logo represent Ranger Galaxy what is galaxy of cryptocurrencies. This interesting world is constantly evolving. It’s beginning of crypto adoption on the world and technology itself is disruptive.
About Author
The author of the blog is Ranger.
Ranger is active trader / investor on the cryptocurrency market. He is an engineer by education. After years of working in the profession, he knows that it was not enough for him. Therefore, he began to spend all his free time observing financial markets.
In particular, the cryptocurrency market due to its innovation and new financial point of view.
This adventure has been going on for several years and there is no indication that anything would change.
His looking for the best projects and explore them. Only then we can be sure that our invested money will be not wasted.
About Website
If you want to better understand the world around you, and in particular the world of finance, you need to know how the economy, power, money and influence works. This blog will also update knowledge on this subject.
In this blog you will find information about: the world of global economy and the world of cryptocurrencies.
In addition, from time to time there will be posts from the world of technology combining investing, trading and software.
About Investing and Trading
Trading is no longer limited to those with large amounts of capital. Anyone can trade for a living with ambition and patience.
Trading can become a full-time career opportunity. It can be a part-time opportunity. It can be a way to generate supplemental income.
The global nature of trading means there’s always an open market somewhere. It providing opportunities for people with full-time jobs or family commitments.
You can read more about Trading as a Job and Investment