Bitcoin as a Lifestyle


Bitcoin lifestyle is relatively new concept. This is all because cryptocurrencies are a very young technological sector. Of course, Bitcoin represents the king, or the beginning.

When writing this article, I had in mind people who think about Bitcoin not only as an asset.

There is no doubt that such a group of people exists, and the author belongs to this group. Well, there is no point in searching. Bitcoin has its supporters all over the world and has become a kind of manifesto of money freedom, lack of authoritarian power or culture.

I will mention this one and the rest in a moment.

In the meantime, please comment and share.

Bitcoin Culture

What about this Bitcoin culture? What’s going on here?

Bitcoin culture is related not only to investing itself, but also to promoting and identifying with Bitcoin.
One of the characteristics is the promotion of Bitcoin on the Internet and social media (specially in, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Bitcoin Lifestyle

Culture also means gifts, accessories and products related to Bitcoin that are part of your everyday life. After all, if cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin are your passion, why not have accessories related to it? It’s obvious, isn’t it?

Bitcoin Manifesto

Bitcoin Whitepaper

Once again, Bitcoin manifesto is your answer for all Bitcoin is all about. To write it more clear, I mean Bitcoin Whitepaper.

Read it first this whitepaper and I am pretty sure your perspective about Bitcoin will change.

Because I really think it’s one of the most important document of Internet community you can download here high resolution image.

How many of us are there?

In this section I would like show you that there are a lot of us – traders/investors all around the world. Because numbers telling more than 1000 words, so it would be part all about numbers.

Bitcoin Data

First of all, Bitcoin users all around the world are 100 million and estimation of about 200 million Bitcoin wallets. Quite much, isn’t it? Forget to say, with 400 thousand daily transactions.

Bitcoin Addresses .01 Btc and 1 Btc

All of us are private traders or investors, so it fair to say, that most of us belong to group of hodling .01 Bitcoin till 1 Bitcoin. On the graphic you can see there are 3 millions of addresses like that one. I am not mention here bigger Bitcoin wallets.

What about daily transactions?

Daily Bitcoin Transactions

In pick point there were 800 million transactions per day. In this moment (moment of writing article) there are 409 million transactions per day. Impressive!

Let’s little bit dig into where traders are all around the world.

Active Traders On the World

Europe has more than 10 million traders. I am mention Europe first, because I come from Europe. In general in USA are the about 15 million traders. Just little behind is Asia with 13.7 million traders and on the third place is Europe.

Bitcoin Addresses in Use

According to company Chainalysis there are 460 million addresses with 25 million private wallet addresses.

The last thing I want to write about is Bitcoin supply. I am writing about it for one reason. Less supply always brings price to higher levels. In this case will be the same. Just take a look for the graphic.

Future Bitcoin Supply

Inflation rate in whole Bitcoin network is on the level 0.8% right now. We are just about reach supply sock, because there are lack of Bitcoin to buy and clients coming from all around the world. One more thing, interest rates are lower in USA. Do you know what that mean?

What next?

As far as number of Internet user still growing, but it’s not so much dynamics like it was in the first and second phase.

From year 1994 till 2014 Internet users growth was 25% every year – phase 1. In next 10 years growth was 8% every year – phase 2. There is estimation that in 2040 growth will be 3% every year – phase 3.

Internet Growth Phases

In 2040 there will be 8 billion users all around the world! Let me right not write little bit about age of Internet users.

According to Statista, almost 79% users in 2024 are people in age 18-44 years. What is clear indicator that Millennials and Gen Z are in this moment dominant groups which using Internet.

Here I want attach for you one more graphic – comparison crypto and internet adoption.

Internet vs Crypto

On this graphic you can clearly see that in case of Internet growth from 130 million user to 1 billion was slower that in case of cryptocurrencies. We are talking about almost double slower growth.

In case of comparison Internet growth and Bitcoin (or crypto) I will come back in another article. I promise you that.

Future of Bitcoin as a Lifestyle


More and more people are implementing Bitcoin into their lifestyle!

I should write about this at the beginning, but the future seems to be even better. This is all because the next generations will be brought up in a digital reality.

Bitcoin is digital money in a peer-to-peer virtual world.

For new generations, Bitcoin will be part of their lives. Naturally speaking, Bitcoin will become their lifestyle. Cryptocurrencies themselves will be used very widely.


Bitcoin is becoming a lifestyle for more and more young people. The fact is that millennials and Generation Z are more convinced of cryptocurrencies. Even younger generations will learn about Bitcoin as part of learning about the digital world.

I conclude that future generations will be even more open to Bitcoin. Which means only one thing. Bitcoin culture will become even stronger, and it is already strong.

Today I only wrote about the culture around Bitcoin, but in many other articles I presented facts about how this asset behaves and how beneficial it is to own it.
I’ll leave you with a question:

Is Bitcoin part of your lifestyle or are you still not sure what to think about Bitcoin?

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